Installment: one application – several offers

Use Montonio installment payment – with one application you will receive an offer from several creditors. Add the desired products to the shopping cart and select Montonio installment as the payment method. Choose the appropriate contract period and fill in the application. You can get a financing offer from several lenders through the installment payment platform. Choose the most suitable offer for you and sign the contract.
Installment terms:
• The amount to be financed by installments is 100–10,000 euros
• Period 3 to 60 months
• Interest from 9.9%

Each installment is a financial liability. Before concluding an Installment agreement, read the terms and conditions of the respective service and, if necessary, consult an expert. The provider of credit intermediation services is Montonio Finance OÜ. For example, the monthly installment is € 46.71 and the credit cost rate is 22.55% per annum under the following model conditions: installment amount € 500, down payment 0%, repayment period 12 months, interest 9.9% on the initial amount per year, contract fee 2%, monthly administration fee 0.0% of the purchase amount per month. The total amount of payments is 560.52 €.

* Persons holding a passport and / or ID card of the Republic of Estonia can apply for installment payment in the Magliamoda e-shop.


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