True Indigo2

True Indigo / Your perfect jeans

True Indigo is a brand of women’s jeans that combines elegant style with a comfortable fit. Women’s jeans with a classic design are a suitable choice in today’s clothing culture, both for casual wear and for work. The product range includes jeans, denim jackets and casual trousers. When buying True Indigo jeans, you can be sure that no compromises have been made on quality at an affordable price.

Our jeans are traditionally made of elastic stretch fabrics that fit well into different body types and are comfortable to wear. The fit of the products is ensured by the well tested patterns. We produce trousers in sizes 36-50 (European scale type) and in three different lengths, so it is possible to find suitable jeans in both small and large sizes. There are always classic shades on offer: black, indigo blue and dark blue. At the same time, seasonal fashion colors and finishes have a definite place in our collection.

True Indigo women's jeans denim


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